Monday, February 28, 2011

Some Love For Dame Judi

Shakespeareans already have plenty of reasons to love Dame Judi Dench - but a few more never hurt. This article takes a quick trip through her career, sprinkling in some behind the scenes stories that just make her all the more awesome. My favorite? During Antony and Cleopatra, when her Antony (played by Anthony Hopkins, by the way) died in her arms whispering "You do act five, I'll be having a nice cup of tea."

Bonus points for the comparison to Sarah Bernhardt - who I just mentioned earlier today, and I swear I had not read this article when I did that. Small universe.

1 comment:

Alexi said...

I am sad there is no mention of her superb turn as Lady Macbeth opposite Ian McKellan in 1977. An incredible performance, and one that I am really glad is preserved on DVD.