Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Announcing ... Kill Oxford!

In a blatant effort to strike while the "Kill Shakespeare" iron is hot, Bardfilm and I have teamed up to offer you what you know you're all waiting for...

KJDM Productions Proudly Presents... KILL OXFORD!

In this fast paced Elizabethan era side-scrolling platform shooter, you play the role of William Shakespeare, the greatest writer the world has ever known. Coming at you are wave after wave of pretenders to your throne - Bacon, Barnard, Blount...Manners, Marlowe, Middleton....the list goes on and on! Will the onslaught ever end!?

Race through the events of Shakespeare's life in real time, wracking up coin as you churn out plays that are seen again and again and again. As the neverending stream of imposters come at you hurling their mediocre verse, slash at them with your mighty quill and blot their lines by the thousand!  Beat the bonus round, collect Heminges and Condell along the way, and gain the power of the Folio Shield.

Make it past Queen Elizabeth and Henry Wriosthesley and brace yourself for the Big Boss, Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford!

Unless you've reached June 1604, in which case Oxford is already dead and you win.  You continue to write plays and enjoy success for the rest of your days.

Coming to iOS and Android devices April 1, 2014!

1 comment:

Sphinxvictorian said...

Don't see it yet! Tried searching the App store on my iPhone, no luck. Perhaps later today?