Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Highway To The Shakespeare Zone

Once upon a time I didn't even have a domain. All I had was a free blog at Anybody remember that one?  Anybody been around that long?

Over the years I've grown my little corner of the Shakespeare world just a little bit. In fact, there've been times when I had so many domains I didn't know what do with them.  I thought this year would be a good year to get them all under one roof.

With that may I present. ....  The Shakespeare Zone.  Here you'll find pointers to all (most?) of my Shakespeare properties, including:

  • The Shakespeare Geek Blog, which is still the center of my universe
  • Shakespeare Answers, my Q&A site 
  • Not By Shakespeare where we set the record straight about who said what
  • Shakespeare Geek on Facebook
  • Shakespeare Geek on Twitter
  • Shake Shareable, my quote-sharing iOS app
  • Original Shakespeare Merchandise
I also threw in a link to Shakespeare on Google News to keep it balanced :) and because that's where I get many of my shareable stories.  The whole blog/Twitter/Facebook thing gets very overlappy, but not 100%.  There are many things that go around Facebook and Twitter that are just too small or spontaneous to make it to the blog.  If you're not following there, especially on Twitter, I really hope I can convince you!

What it doesn't have yet is a link to my Amazon page.  I had something I wanted to put there first.  Is that foreshadowing?  Hmmm...

This year's Shakespeare posting marathon is sponsored by "Shakespeare is Universal." Help us prove that Shakespeare makes life better. Buy a t-shirt and support cancer research.

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