Wednesday, September 07, 2011

R3 Experiment : Funny Villains

I'm not quite sure how to categorize this, but when I got to Richard saying something as over-the-top awesome as, "Simple, plain Clarence! I do love thee so, That I will shortly send thy soul to heaven," I thought "Man, I need to make a post out of that."

I'm sure that he's going to say amazing stuff like that many times in this play.  That's right up there with Aaron the Moor's "Villain, I have done thy mother."

What else ya go?  Iago's got lots of evil lines, but which ones are really his best over-the-top ones that make you laugh out loud and say "Oh my god that was awesome, I love this guy."


Colin said...

Richard's "Was ever woman in this humor wooed?/Was ever woman in this humor won?/I'll have her, but I will not keep her long."

It's so cocky, so blunt, so daring... he really just doesn't give a rat's ass about what the audience thinks of him, and he is very, very amused with himself.

JM said...

From the same speech Colin:

"I do mistake my person all this while.
Upon my life she finds (although I cannot)
Myself to be a marv'llous proper man."

Then he goes on about looking glasses, tailors, and sartorial splendor, and ends with:

"Since I am crept in favour with myself,
I will maintain it at some little cost."

This, from a " lumpe of foul Deformitie", as Anne calls him. Audacious!

CGriff said...

I second Colin. There is something deliciously BAD about that line. He's sort of made you feel bad for him with his Poor Richard routine, then he whips it off and just giggles to himself!

Wayne Myers said...

Regan from "King Lear" after Cornwall has gouged out Gloucester's eyes: "Go thrust him out of gates, and let him smell his way to Dover."