Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Tenth Anniversary, Kerry!

Ten years ago tomorrow, September 30, I won the game. I asked, she said yes, and now I get to be the happiest geek in the world because I get to say stuff like "That thou didst know how many fathom deep I am in love!" to a real person, in real life, and really mean it. People wonder why I love Shakespeare and wish that everyone else did? Because Shakespeare knew, man. If you can feel it, Shakespeare can give you the words to express it. A heaven on earth I have won by wooing her.

Last year I introduced Kerry to the site and we showered her in quotes. This year I went a little mushier, and wrote her a sonnet. I was going to include it here, but I've taken it out. It's a gift to her, and if she wants it shared then that will be her choice.

1 comment:

The Social Frog said...

Happy Anniversary!