Thursday, September 02, 2010

Congratulations, Shakespeare Teacher!

Looks like I’m not the only one working on a book – Bill over at Shakespeare Teacher has announced the publication of Literary Education and Digital Learning: Methods and Technologies for Humanities Studies, where he’s a contributing author!  Congratulations, Bill!

Stealing from Bill’s summary of his own work:

So I developed and implemented a unit to teach Macbeth to a fifth-grade class in the South Bronx, using process-based dramatic activities, a stage production of the play performed for their school, and a web-based study guide to apply what they had learned. The idea was to use collaborative projects to get the kids to work together to make collective sense of the play.

Sounds awesome, actually.  To not only teach Shakespeare, but develop your own teaching methods for doing it?  And then write up and publish your results?

For more details, visit the original post – make sure he gets the traffic and any affiliate clicks from people looking to check out the book.  I don’t want to steal any of his thunder, I just want to make sure more people hear it.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Hey, thanks for the link love!

I can't really say I developed my own teaching methods, as the methods I used are well established. But I did make a case for using these particular methods with this particular age group, and provided evidence of their effectiveness.

The book is prohibitively expensive, so I'm not actually suggesting people buy it. I just wanted to share my good news with the blogoSpeare, and I appreciate your helping me do that.