Friday, October 09, 2009

Oxford : The Movie

More info about disaster-king Roland Emmerich’s new movie about the Authorship question.  Turns out that it’ll be a “political thriller” about Edware de Vere.  I like how the interviewer starts by asking “Marlowe?” rather than Bacon.  Of course, the answer when someone says “Bacon?” is “I’d love some, thank you.”

More “disaster” jokes are just too easy.  But man, the Oxfordians are gonna be in seventh heaven when this comes out, aren’t they?

“Pssst!  Dude, this guy dies before Macbeth is written.  How we gonna get around that?”

“Time machine!”

1 comment:

JM said...

“Time machine!”
Of course Duane! I think you've hit on it. That explains who the mysterious "W H" is! It's backwards code--
-- H (g) W (ells)!