Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thy Eternal Summer Shall Not Fade,22049,23188937-5001021,00.html

OK, I knew that Heath Ledger had died, and that Michelle Williams, mother of his children, was taking it very hard.  The linked story tells of his funeral, which turned into a giant beach party with everybody splashing in the ocean.  What caught my eye was that Williams read Sonnet 18 at the service.  An interesting choice, since folks have such a tendency to focus on the first part, the one all about "You're so beautiful there's really nothing for me to compare you to" that they often forget, or perhaps never knew, the ending and it's thoughts of immortality.

Normally I'm not one for overly quoted Shakespeare just to be deep (I cannot stand weddings where they bust out the old "Let not the marriage of true minds..." thing).  But given the setting for this particular case, it sounds like it must have been a nice sentiment.

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