Wednesday, June 29, 2005

1) Free Tivo 2) Shakespeare Wishlist

Got Tivo yet? Did you know that you can get a Tivo box for free? You have to pay for the subscription, but if it was the cost of the box (normally over $150) that was preventing you, here's your opportunity.

What's this got to do with Shakespeare? Believe it or not, something. Once you've got Tivo you can set up a "keyword wishlist" for, I dunno, "Shakespeare" and then Tivo will just go ahead and automatically record everything that mentions that keyword in the description. It's really a great way to keep track not only of which movies are on (they're on regular cable so rarely, after all!), but also a chance to see programs you might otherwise have missed, like "Mystery Hunters" looking at the curse of the Scottish play, or an episode of Boston Public where "a student uses rap music to critique Shakespeare."

Ok....that last one I think I might want to skip.

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