Friday, April 01, 2016

Happy Shakespeare Fools' Day! #shakespearefoolsday

We're trying a little something different this year. In celebration of Shakespeare's oft-underappreciated clown princes of comedy, Bardfilm and I thought we should declare today

Shakespeare Fools' Day

Whether you're a professional fool or you just behave like one, celebrate the craft of your predecessors today by acting the part.

Ask strangers their names, and then when they tell you, say, "I do not like that name."

At the morning work meeting, request that all the tasks be assigned to you. Explain at length why you are qualified for every role. Try not to let anyone make an ass of you.

Had eggs for breakfast? Give the shells to someone and say, "Look! I have given you two crowns!"

Get drunk with your best friend, accuse him of lying. Then deny it. (Don't be surprised if you get hit.)

Dress in robe and fake beard. Tell everyone you're a curate, and cure them of their lunacy.

Carry around a letter, muttering to yourself, "M, O, A, I" and trying to pronounce it.  Before the end of the day, announce "EVERY ONE OF THESE LETTERS ARE IN MY NAME!" Even if they aren't.

Go to bed at noon.

How do you spend your Shakespeare Fools' Day?

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