Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Decorating Your Life

Here's a question that's on my mind lately, now that I've got a new office and all kinds of new people to meet.  How do you decorate your life with Shakespeare?  What I mean is, if somebody meets you for the first time, or comes into your space, what about you says Shakespeare?

I don't have much, surprisingly.  Downstairs I've got some nice framed One Page posters. Upstairs on a little wall shelf I've got a small bust of Shakespeare.  People who snoop around a bit will be sure to find my collection of action figures, wind-up toys and finger puppets. And then there's the books. I've deliberately limited myself to one shelf on the bookcase upstairs, so I pick carefully and showcase only my favorite editions.

I christened my new office with one of my action figures, but then bought myself a present to really set the tone properly.  Now I want to decorate my company computer, so a couple of these are already on the way from Amazon.

...you know, when I list it like that I suppose I do have more than a little. I was going to say, "That's all in my home/work, I don't carry stuff around with me."  But then there's the Shakespeare air freshener in my car. :)

How about you? How can strangers tell you're a Shakespeare geek as soon as they see you?


Fester said...

Well there are a couple of T-shirts I like to wear. One has
"To Be Or Not To Be" in dozens of languages. The other has Shakespeare's portrait picked out in stars.
Also my Shakespeare action figure and Shakespeare Secular Saint Candle ( http://www.philosophersguild.com/William-Shakespeare-Secular-Saint-Candle.html ) are probably dead giveaways.

Duane Morin said...

"One has "To Be Or Not To Be" in dozens of languages. The other has Shakespeare's portrait picked out in stars."

Those sound *stunning*. ;)

Thanks for the support!