Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wherefore Art Thou JM?!

Yes, yes, relax, I know what wherefore means. Got your attention though, didn't I?

One of our long time contributors, JM by pseudonym, hasn't been around in a good number of months. His blog, The Shakespeare Place, has gone untouched since January of this year. When fellow BardBlogger Gedaly disappeared on us for a little while, JM was right there with the public plea for him to come back.

So, I'm returning the favor on behalf of our little community. JM, where are you?

Anybody been in touch, and / or know why he may have taken his leave of us for a few months? I know that he's quite active in the Shakespeare world at large, does a great bit of teaching and all that, so it's quite possible that the real world got too busy and the online world suffered for it. Or, the Oxfordians may have gotten him.

Of course he could just be lurking, in which case I hope that cringe-worthy title of this post caught his attention. Wake up, J, and let us know you're still alive!

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