Thursday, January 15, 2009

Move Over Shakespeare

My freshman year in college (engineering school, no less) I was taking a humanities course, final quarter, and the professor told us that we had to go and see a play at New Voices, the amateur festival put on by the college.  New Voices, at the time #6, was a week long opportunity for the students to write, direct, produce and star in original plays.  I had a great time.

Something about the experience stuck with me, and I started writing plays.  No training, and I’m not a theatre major either.  But I did have plays in NV#7, 9, 10 and 11. 

So that brings me back to the link above, to a classroom resource ebook entitled Move Over Shakespeare and appears to be for teaching students how to write a play.  In general I don’t love Shakespeare being lumped in with every other playwright in the known universe, but I can live with it.

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