Friday, August 24, 2007

Mr. Rogers As Macbeth

The above post has so much Shakespeare goodness that I don't have the time to summarize it all.  Go read.  Right on the money that Shakespeare may be a master, but that doesn't mean that he's above a little poking fun.  I have not yet checked out the media files, but as they say in the geek circles, "dugg for the Branagh reference at the end." :)  Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

"Well, the deed is done. I do seem to have a little blood on me, but I'll just take off my sweater and go clean up, okay? Good."

That was amazing, even if the "Out, damned Spot" joke was a little too obvious. ;)

KNA said...

Aiye, friend. Thank you for your kind comments. I would like to clear up a little that might not have been obvious. The radio play features GK and his friend impersonating said voices. But it is hilarious.

AnnMCN said...

Oh, wow, I remember hearing that in my car when it first aired. The kids and I were coming home from working the Renaissance Festival, and I laughed myself silly! They didn't know Macbeth at the time -- I need to send them the link. Thanks!!

Ian Thal said...

When one considers that Macbeth was, at least on one level, political propaganda, it would make sense for Fred Rogers to play Macbeth-- often in the "Neighborhood of Make-Believe", King Friday XIII (who operated by Rogers) was used to satirize current political leaders.