Monday, July 18, 2005

All the Shakespeare Stuff You'd Hope to Find

Shakespeare's Den is great for a laugh even if you're not in the mood to buy. Anything and everything that's ever had Shakespeare's mug plastered upon it (including mugs, natch) can be found here. Of course there's also every book, wall hanging and statue you might imagine as well.

Some gems:

  • Shakespeare bobblehead doll
  • Shakespeare action figure
  • After Shakespeare mints
  • Hamlet finger puppets
  • Shakespeare "celebriduck"

I don't get an affiliate fee, either, so there :-P. I just wish my wife would let me buy half this stuff.


Anonymous said...

Do you have any comments on these items? I'm tempted by the BardGame but I'm curious if anyone has tried it. I know it would be easier if Shakespeare geeks were easy to find in my neighborhood.

Duane Morin said...

In college we had a game called "Playing Shakespeare", but I don't believe this company has it. It was essentially charades where all the quotes were from Shakespeare.

I, too, wish I had more Shakespeare geeks in the neighborhood :).

I did contact Shakespeare's Den to ask if they could put any quote or sonnet I wanted onto a plaque or greeting card. They said they'd add it to the wish list.