Friday, November 12, 2010

Charles Emerson Winchester. The Third.

Ok, who remembers M*A*S*H? What's David Ogden Stiers been up to since it went off the air?

Turns out he's a rather accomplished Shakespearean. Right now he and some other celebrities are working a production of Much Ado About Nothing to support the Shakespeare Center of Los Angeles.

Check it out. Always nice to visit with names from our nostalgic past.

Trivia time! Remember any good Shakespeare references from MASH? I remember one episode, I believe it was the one where a wounded Hawkeye (Alan Alda) has been taken in by a Korean family who speaks no English, and is awaiting rescue. He of course entertains himself (and us) for the entire episode with one large monologue, which includes him limping around the hut and busting out the opening speech from Richard III.

Surely Charles Winchester had some Shakespeare references during his time. I know he made many classical music references, and "Sonnets from the Portuguese" played a crucial role during several episodes toward the end of the series, but I can't specifically remember any Shakespeare.

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