Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Merchandise Now Available!

Every time I showed my wife the t-shirts I was making she'd say, "I don't like big stuff on the front. Why not make just a little Shakespeare up in the corner, like an emblem? And then put something big on the back if you want."

Worth a shot.

I've added three new shirts, all in the same basic style - a white-on-dark image taken from the Chandos portrait that I use as my logo. The image really only works in this scheme - I've tried dark-on-light but it doesn't look good. Please note that "Customize" button - all of these are available in all men's and women's styles and colors (just dark ones).

The difference between the three is in the text:

So there you have it. Hopefully my wife is right and people do like this more understated "small on the front" style.  Note that there is nothing at all on the back of these shirts.   Enjoy!

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