Friday, December 01, 2006

Ooo! Let's do a year end list!

Wow, it's December already.  Got the shopping done?  For whatever gift giving holiday you celebrate?

A favorite pasttime around the net is to produce as many "year end" lists as possible.  To the point of insanity, or at least nausea.  I want to play too.

What sort of year end list can we make up?  Best Shakespeare movies?  Best Shakespeare books?  I love the idea of just doing "Best Plays", since it shouldn't be based on the year-end.  Jasper Fforde does a wonderful series of books (his Thursday Next series) where one of the storylines involves the book awards, and how for example Heathcliffe would always have to campaign for "Best Troubled Romantic Lead, Male" every year, even though his book was written...well, a long time ago. 

Looking for ideas.  Or, maybe I'm just bored.


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