I Am A Geek, And True
Over the last few days I've gotten quite a little traffic from a site that turns out to be completely in French. I see my name quite clearly, so I run it through Google Translate and here's what I got:
Duane Morin is a geek, a true: not only is that American computer programmer, but he spends much of his spare time to update its various blogs. Including the one he takes on William Shakespeare. Nothing that relates to the author of Richard III escapes Duane: As this video of a young girl who recited a passage from Romeo and Juliet in helium; This site reflects La Nuit des rois in sign language ; this anecdote or an actor who would accidentally stabbed while playing Julius Caesar. So you can be a fan of Shakespeare as it is a great fan of Star Wars.
I guess that describes me and my little site here pretty well :).
But I'm curious about the overall context. Can someone who speaks French tell me what the point of the page was? There are several other sites listed. Is it just a sort of "Sites of the week" sort of thing, or is there a theme? Are there other Shakespeare references on the page?
Thanks :). I tried to write a comment on the original post, but you have to register to do that and I couldn't get through the French to do it.